With Photonics West 2012 just two weeks away, Fibercore Ltd are pleased to announce that, once again, we will be exhibiting at this, the World's largest photonics and laser event. As well as being available to discuss the wide variety of specialty singlemode fibers that we offer, ranging from the World famous and market leading reduced-clad HiBi PM fibers to our all-glass Er/Yb co-doped dual-clad cladding pump fiber for high power amplifiers, Dr Andy Gillooly will be making two presentations during the event to highlight our recent product additions to our specialty singlemode fiber ranges.
Our first presentation announces the arrival of a new range of polyimide-coated singlemode fibers designed for embedded and high-temperature applications. Based on our SM1500 fibers, they combine the bend-insensitivity and intrinsic photosensitivity of these high NA singlemode fibers with the polyimide-coating of our HB-P fibers, enabling them to withstand temperatures as high as 400 degrees C (or 300 degrees C continuous), and making them ideal for the highly challenging environments of industries like oil and gas explorations.
The design wavelengths of the fibers in our specialty singlemode fiber range start as short as 450nm for tranmission in the UV to the Red range, and our all-silica SM-SC fibers offer even shorter wavelengths of 300nm to 400nm. Our second presentation concentrates on these R(ed), G(reen),B(lue) fibers and their use in spectroscopy, biotechnology and LDA applications.
So if you would like to know more about our fibers and how they can help your applications, visit us at Photonics West 2012 Booth 4926, which will take place at the Moscone Center, San Francisco, from 24th to 26th January 2012.
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